Statistics and meaning of name Vilae

We have no records about Vilae being used as firstname.
Surname Vilae is used at least 21 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)

Given names
Iulian Vilae (3)
Nicolae Vilae (2)
Nicu Vilae (2)
Stefan Vilae (2)
Marius Vilae (2)
Anghel Vilae (2)
Georgeta Vilae (1)
Titi Vilae (1)
Nina Vilae (1)
Gheorghe Vilae (1)
Ionel Vilae (1)
Ioan Vilae (1)
Florin Vilae (1)

Vilae reversed is Ealiv
Name contains 5 letters - 60.00% vowels and 40.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Vilea Iavel Aeliv Evial Viale Eilav
Misspells: Viloe Vylae Bilae Vjlae Velae Vilaea Vliae Vilea Viale

Rhymes: Thermopylae copulae fibulae formulae hyperbolae maxillae medullae spray stray fray slay valet

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany France Spain


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