Statistics and meaning of name Villaca

We have no records about Villaca being used as firstname.
Surname Villaca is used at least 205 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Villaca
Given names
Marcel Villaca (1)
Serge Villaca (1)
Carlos Villaca (1)
Felix Villaca (1)
Laurie Villaca (1)
Joel Villaca (1)
Alain Villaca (1)
Eugenie Villaca (1)
Gerard Villaca (1)
Maria Villaca (1)

Surname Villaca in France   Surname Villaca in USA   

Villaca reversed is Acalliv
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Vlialca Lalicav Laivacl Villaac Ilalcav
Misspells: Villoca Vyllaca Billaca Vjllaca Vellaca Villacaa Vlilaca Villaac Villcaa

Rhymes: Ithaca Oaxaca Titicaca alpaca maraca raga saga drama lava plaza

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Villaca David says: Se non signifié oiseau bleu

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Brazil France China Netherlands


Writers: Flavio Villaca, Alvaro Villaca Azevedo

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