Statistics and meaning of name Villapol

We have no records about Villapol being used as firstname.
Surname Villapol is used at least 42 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 比利亚波尔 (pinyin: bǐ lì yà bō ěr)

      Surname Villapol
Given names
Jose Villapol (2)
Rosario Villapol (2)
Manuel Villapol (1)
Rocio Villapol (1)
Humberto Villapol (1)
Gloria Villapol (1)
Concepcion Villapol (1)
Coral Villapol (1)
Dolores Villapol (1)
Fernando Villapol (1)
Sonia Villapol (1)

Surname Villapol in USA   

Villapol reversed is Lopalliv
Name contains 8 letters - 37.50% vowels and 62.50% consonants.

Anagrams: Illoplav
Misspells: Villopol Vyllapol Billapol Vjllapol Vellapol Villapola Vlilapol Villaplo Villaopl

Rhymes: Interpol Sevastopol pol puffball

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Venezuela Spain Philippines Thailand Europe


Famous people: Nitza Villapol, Fernando Villapol Parapar

Writers: Nitza Villapol, Manuel Villapol

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