Statistics and meaning of name Villforth

We have no records about Villforth being used as firstname.
Surname Villforth is used at least 20 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 维尔福思 (pinyin: wéi ěr fú sī)

      Surname Villforth
Given names
Klaus Villforth (1)
Lisa Villforth (1)
Roland Villforth (1)
camilla Villforth (1)
Karin Villforth (1)
Julian Villforth (1)
Dietrich Villforth (1)
Gisela Villforth (1)
Jonas Villforth (1)
Birgit Villforth (1)

Surname Villforth in Germany   Surname Villforth in USA   

Villforth reversed is Htroflliv
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Villfolth Villforrth Vyllforth Billforth Vjllforth Vellforth Villfortha Vlilforth Villforht Villfotrh

Rhymes: forth henceforth thenceforth Leavenworth North Tamworth Woolworth fifth filth sixth scythe myth

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Russian Federation Switzerland Egypt Taiwan


Writers: Gertrud Villforth

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