Statistics and meaning of name Vintiloiu
We have no records about Vintiloiu being used as firstname.
Surname Vintiloiu is used at least 102 times in at least 3 countries.
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 温蒂洛尤 (pinyin: wēn dì Luò yóu)
Given names
Ion Vintiloiu (13) Gheorghe Vintiloiu (7) Maria Vintiloiu (6) Constantin Vintiloiu (5) Florica Vintiloiu (4) Nicolae Vintiloiu (3) Constanta Vintiloiu (3) Florea Vintiloiu (3) Alexandru Vintiloiu (3) Niculina Vintiloiu (2) Nicoleta Vintiloiu (2) Georgeta Vintiloiu (2) Ioan Vintiloiu (2) Elena Vintiloiu (2) Veniamin Vintiloiu (2) Viorica Vintiloiu (2) Camelia Vintiloiu (2) Marcel Vintiloiu (2) Jean Vintiloiu (2) Daniel Vintiloiu (2) Neculai Vintiloiu (1) Romeo Vintiloiu (1) Tanase Vintiloiu (1) Veta Vintiloiu (1) Steliana Vintiloiu (1) Simona Vintiloiu (1) Mihai Vintiloiu (1) Olimpia Vintiloiu (1) Ioana Vintiloiu (1) Cristian Vintiloiu (1) Eugenia Vintiloiu (1) Aurora Vintiloiu (1) Aurelia Vintiloiu (1) Aurel Vintiloiu (1) Evsevia Vintiloiu (1) Floarea Vintiloiu (1) Leopoldina Vintiloiu (1) Iulius Vintiloiu (1) Dan Vintiloiu (1) Florin Vintiloiu (1) Liliana Vintiloiu (1) |
Vintiloiu reversed is Uiolitniv
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.
Misspells: Vyntiloiu Bintiloiu Vjntiloiu Ventiloiu Vintiloiua Vnitiloiu Vintiloui Vintiliou
Rhymes: froiu roiu coiu noiu toiu
Meaning of name Vintiloiu is: from the name [Vintila] plus the suffix '-oiu'
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