Statistics and meaning of name Virsand

We have no records about Virsand being used as firstname.
Surname Virsand is used at least 17 times in at least 1 countries. (Sweden)
Name written with Chinese letters: 维尔桑德 (pinyin: wéi ěr sāng dé)

Given names
Peter Virsand (1)
Jonathan Virsand (1)
Camilla Virsand (1)
Lina Virsand (1)
Eva Virsand (1)
Per Virsand (1)
Gote Virsand (1)
Soren Virsand (1)
Sandra Virsand (1)
Helene Virsand (1)
Emma Virsand (1)
Eeva Virsand (1)
Hilda Virsand (1)
Jessica Virsand (1)
Niklas Virsand (1)
Magnus Virsand (1)
Albin Virsand (1)

Virsand reversed is Dnasriv
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Virsond Vilsand Virrsand Virssand Vyrsand Birsand Vjrsand Versand Virsanda Vrisand Virsadn Virsnad

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden Spain Russian Federation Thailand Europe Finland

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