Statistics and meaning of name Vlahbei

We have no records about Vlahbei being used as firstname.
Surname Vlahbei is used at least 41 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)

Given names
Constantin Vlahbei (7)
Mihale Vlahbei (5)
Tanase Vlahbei (4)
Vasilica Vlahbei (4)
Stere Vlahbei (4)
Sultana Vlahbei (3)
Tudora Vlahbei (2)
Maria Vlahbei (2)
Elena Vlahbei (2)
Atanase Vlahbei (2)
Costica Vlahbei (2)
Vasile Vlahbei (1)
Dinu Vlahbei (1)
Iancu Vlahbei (1)
Anton Vlahbei (1)

Vlahbei reversed is Iebhalv
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Valiheb Hbaleiv Laihebv Biahvel Ilvaheb Ielbahv Hevialb
Misspells: Vlohbei Vlahbey Blahbei Vlahbej Vlahbee Vlahbeia Valhbei Vlahbie Vlahebi

Rhymes: shrub club rub scrub grub

Meaning of this name is unknown.

mannix says: vasilica vlahbei was the security officer in romania, agent infiltrated foreign tourists did much worse, fled the country, please check!

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Satellite Provider France Moldova Germany

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