Statistics and meaning of name Vocella

We have no records about Vocella being used as firstname.
Surname Vocella is used at least 32 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Vocella
Given names
Giovanni Vocella (2)
Carlo Vocella (2)
Luigi Vocella (2)
Vincenzo Vocella (1)
Celeste Vocella (1)
Agnese Vocella (1)
Dominique Vocella (1)
Nathalie Vocella (1)
Mazzarono Vocella (1)
Magalie Vocella (1)
Roberto Vocella (1)
Luigia Vocella (1)
Alberto Vocella (1)
Sam Vocella (1)
Benedetto Vocella (1)
Celestino Vocella (1)
Giuseppe Vocella (1)
Gino Vocella (1)
Roberta Vocella (1)

Surname Vocella in France   Surname Vocella in Italy   

Vocella reversed is Allecov
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Elcolav Elovalc Voecall Lacevlo Aovcell Alolcev Lalveco Elvacol
Misspells: Vocello Bocella Vocellaa Vcoella Vocelal

Rhymes: Ascella Marcella Barbarella Bella Capella Carmella patella fella flagella novella vela

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States Europe Ireland Canada Italy Australia


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