Statistics and meaning of name Vojtassak
We have no records about Vojtassak being used as firstname.
Surname Vojtassak is used at least 20 times in at least 6 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 沃伊塔萨克 (pinyin: wò yī tǎ Sà kè)
Given names
Stefan Vojtassak (2) Miroslav Vojtassak (1) Milan Vojtassak (1) Pavel Vojtassak (1) Peter Vojtassak (1) Zdeno Vojtassak (1) Martin Vojtassak (1) Lubos Vojtassak (1) Yves Vojtassak (1) Branislav Vojtassak (1) Andrej Vojtassak (1) David Vojtassak (1) Jozef Vojtassak (1) Jan Vojtassak (1) Marc Vojtassak (1) |
Vojtassak reversed is Kassatjov
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.
Misspells: Vojtossak Vojtasssak Bojtassak Voitassak Vojtassaka Vjotassak Vojtasska Vojtasask
Rhymes: Wesak cassock hassock havoc idiopathic homeopathic
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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