Statistics and meaning of name Voquer

We have no records about Voquer being used as firstname.
Surname Voquer is used at least 19 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Sweden)

Given names
Patrice Voquer (2)
David Voquer (1)
Cyril Voquer (1)
Denise Voquer (1)
Martine Voquer (1)
Christina Voquer (1)
Pierre Voquer (1)
Isabelle Voquer (1)
Franck Voquer (1)
Alain Voquer (1)
Gerard Voquer (1)
Auguste Voquer (1)
Claude Voquer (1)
Jacques Voquer (1)
Delphine Voquer (1)
Nathalie Voquer (1)

Surname Voquer in France   

Voquer reversed is Reuqov
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ovuqre Oqurve Vuqeor Oqvure Vqoeru Oqveru
Misspells: Voquel Voquerr Boquer Voguer Voquera Vqouer Voqure Voqeur

Rhymes: brusquer conquer exchequer lacquer opaquer reconquer uniquer smoker joker stoker choker

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Canada


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