Statistics and meaning of name Vornicelu
We have no records about Vornicelu being used as firstname.
Surname Vornicelu is used at least 20 times in at least 1 countries. (Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Given names
Nicolae Vornicelu (2) Neculai Vornicelu (2) Eufrosina Vornicelu (2) Elena Vornicelu (2) Tamara Vornicelu (2) Mariana Vornicelu (1) Florin Vornicelu (1) Cristina Vornicelu (1) Bogdan Vornicelu (1) Gheorghe Vornicelu (1) |
Vornicelu reversed is Ulecinrov
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Onvurcile Vonreulci Ercoluvin
Misspells: Volnicelu Vorrnicelu Vornycelu Bornicelu Vornjcelu Vornecelu Vornicelua Vronicelu Vorniceul Vornicleu
Rhymes: parvenu venue sensu hairdo ingenue
Meaning of name Vornicelu is: the same as [Vornicel]
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