Statistics and meaning of name Vuculescu
We have no records about Vuculescu being used as firstname.
Surname Vuculescu is used at least 69 times in at least 2 countries. (Canada,Romania)
Origin of this name is Romanian.
Name written with Chinese letters: 武库列斯库 (pinyin: wǔ kù liè sī kù)
Given names
Elena Vuculescu (5) Florica Vuculescu (4) Ioan Vuculescu (3) Alexandru Vuculescu (3) Mariana Vuculescu (3) Dumitru Vuculescu (3) Mircea Vuculescu (3) Cornelia Vuculescu (3) George Vuculescu (2) Ion Vuculescu (2) Danut Vuculescu (2) Nicolae Vuculescu (2) Iulian Vuculescu (2) Liubita Vuculescu (2) Floare Vuculescu (2) Maria Vuculescu (2) Mihai Vuculescu (1) Renate Vuculescu (1) Petrica Vuculescu (1) Marioara Vuculescu (1) Iacob Vuculescu (1) Dimitrie Vuculescu (1) Crina Vuculescu (1) Cornel Vuculescu (1) Elvira Vuculescu (1) Etel Vuculescu (1) Iancu Vuculescu (1) Florin Vuculescu (1) Ilie Vuculescu (1) |
Vuculescu reversed is Ucselucuv
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.
Anagrams: Vuucsucel Vculsuecu Seuccuvlu Sceucuvlu
Misspells: Vuculesscu Buculescu Vuculescua Vcuulescu Vuculesuc Vuculecsu
Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue parvenu menu venue sensu
Meaning of name Vuculescu is: from the name [Vucu] plus the suffix '-lescu'
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