Statistics and meaning of name Wallkvist

We have no records about Wallkvist being used as firstname.
Surname Wallkvist is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Sweden)

Given names
Viktoria Wallkvist (1)
Eva Wallkvist (1)
Mikael Wallkvist (1)
Matthias Wallkvist (1)
Eddie Wallkvist (1)
Anneli Wallkvist (1)
Bjorn Wallkvist (1)
Anna Wallkvist (1)

Wallkvist reversed is Tsivkllaw
Name contains 9 letters - 22.22% vowels and 77.78% consonants.

Misspells: Wollkvist Wallkvisst Wallkvyst Vvallkvist Wallkbist Wallkvjst Wallkvest Wallkvista Wlalkvist Wallkvits Wallkvsit

Rhymes: Bolshevist activist archivist collectivist recidivist reservist exist assist consist persist coexist

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Sweden

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