Statistics and meaning of name Warntoft
We have no records about Warntoft being used as firstname.
Surname Warntoft is used at least 15 times in at least 1 countries. (Sweden)
Given names
Christoffer Warntoft (2) Maria Warntoft (1) Karl Warntoft (1) Niclas Warntoft (1) Philip Warntoft (1) Paola Warntoft (1) Goran Warntoft (1) Ebba Warntoft (1) Bitte Warntoft (1) Anders Warntoft (1) Brita Warntoft (1) Cissi Warntoft (1) Johanna Warntoft (1) Emelie Warntoft (1) |
Warntoft reversed is Tfotnraw
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.
Misspells: Worntoft Walntoft Warrntoft Vvarntoft Warntofta Wrantoft Warntotf Warntfot
Rhymes: Ashcroft Bancroft Microsoft Zoloft aloft hayloft loft soft dost cost washed betrothed
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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