Statistics and meaning of name Wasam

Usage: 78% firstname, 22% surname.
Wasam first name was found 26 times in 11 different countries.
Surname Wasam is used at least 7 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Wasam
Given names
Ahammed Wasam (1)

Given name Wasam
Family names
Wasam Putrus (1)
Wasam Naeem (1)
Wasam Nanayakkara (1)
Wasam Kariya (1)
Wasam Astefan (1)
Wasam Banjak (1)
Wasam Assif (1)

Wasam reversed is Masaw
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Wasma Amsaw Mwaas Waams Waasm Masaw Saamw Wsama
Misspells: Wosam Wassam Vvasam Wasama Wsaam Wasma Waasm

Rhymes: Assam balsam flotsam jetsam homme vom som com calm

Meaning of name Wasam is: Medal, prize, honour
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Pakistan Sweden United Kingdom India Switzerland Kuwait Spain China Ireland Hungary


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