Statistics and meaning of name Weisbeker

We have no records about Weisbeker being used as firstname.
Surname Weisbeker is used at least 14 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Weisbeker
Given names
Dena Weisbeker (1)

Surname Weisbeker in USA   

Weisbeker reversed is Rekebsiew
Name contains 9 letters - 44.44% vowels and 55.56% consonants.

Anagrams: Wesikreeb Irsewbeke Ebrikwese Rkebwesei
Misspells: Weisbekel Weisbekerr Weissbeker Weysbeker Vveisbeker Wejsbeker Weesbeker Weisbekera Wiesbeker Weisbekre Weisbeekr

Rhymes: Baedeker Banneker meeker seeker sleeker bicycler pipefitter psychischer scribitur requiritur

Meaning of this name is unknown.

stan weisbeker says: the name weisbeker as far as I can tell, came from Poland, the family from way back as far as I understand it from family members no gone, came from a family of bakers... or could be scientists.. from weis for white or smart to baker or beaker.. however the family name prior to WW2 was spelled with a V and I beleave an H which made made it hard to pronounce or translate to english... the name could have been changed when the family over the years crossed to ellis island and Halifax where the name was changed to weisbeker to be able to pronounce it... My grandfather Jonas Weisbeker was a baker and lived in New york prior to ww2 to get enough funds to bring the family over from poland, however he passed away from Pneumonia

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