Statistics and meaning of name Wesemael

We have no records about Wesemael being used as firstname.
Surname Wesemael is used at least 109 times in at least 8 countries.

      Surname Wesemael
Given names
Mireille Wesemael (1)
Rene Wesemael (1)
Janneke Wesemael (1)
Thejs Wesemael (1)
Roland Wesemael (1)
Paul Wesemael (1)
Denise Wesemael (1)
Fiona Wesemael (1)
Hugo Wesemael (1)
Daniel Wesemael (1)

Surname Wesemael in Netherlands   

Wesemael reversed is Leamesew
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ewselmea Eseamelw Eeslaewm Mesewela Eewsealm Lmesewae Saemewle Amweseel
Misspells: Wesemoel Wessemael Vvesemael Wesemaela Wseemael Wesemale Wesemeal

Rhymes: Ishmael Ismael Carmichael Gael Israel email snail male scale mail

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Gregory Warner says: I was researching a Belgian man named Constantine Wesmael and came across this page. I think Wesmael might be another mispelling of this name, considering everyone I've found with the last name Wesmael (there's a whole wikipedia article for people with that last name) are also Belgian. You might want to add that to your list of mispellings.
Monique Wesemael says: It seems that the name is one of those having been given after the regional origin. There was a village Wesemael near Leuven (Brabant) in Belgium. This would also explain why one variation of the name includes the preposition "Van".

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands Brazil United Kingdom France Germany Belgium Canada Hungary Greece Europe


Famous people: Wilfried Wesemael

Writers: Pieter Van Wesemael, Annick Van Wesemael, Sabine Van Wesemael, Sabine van Wesemael, Van Annick Wesemael

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