Statistics and meaning of name Wickremesinghe

We have no records about Wickremesinghe being used as firstname.
Surname Wickremesinghe is used at least 39 times in at least 5 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 维克勒马辛哈 (pinyin: wéi kè lè mǎ xīn hā)

      Surname Wickremesinghe
Given names
Nicholas Wickremesinghe (2)
Ranika Wickremesinghe (2)
Shirantha Wickremesinghe (2)
Liyanage Wickremesinghe (2)
Katy Wickremesinghe (2)
Wathsalanuwan Wickremesinghe (1)
Sunanda Wickremesinghe (1)
Sidath Wickremesinghe (1)
Niranjala Wickremesinghe (1)
Kathleen Wickremesinghe (1)
Nick Wickremesinghe (1)
Chulani Wickremesinghe (1)
Sahara Wickremesinghe (1)

Surname Wickremesinghe in USA   

Wickremesinghe reversed is Ehgnisemerkciw
Name contains 14 letters - 35.71% vowels and 64.29% consonants.

Anagrams: Cenkehwimresgi Ngehimiwerkesc
Misspells: Wicklemesinghe Wickrremesinghe Wickremessinghe Wyckremesinghe Vvickremesinghe Wjckremesinghe Weckremesinghe Wickremesinghea Wcikremesinghe Wickremesingeh Wickremesinhge

Rhymes: reasoning reediting weakening deepening seasoning

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States United Kingdom Netherlands Germany Australia Sri Lanka Poland


Writers: Lakshman Wickremesinghe, K. D. P. Wickremesinghe, Manoj S. Wickremesinghe

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