Statistics and meaning of name Wiedek
We have no records about Wiedek being used as firstname.
Surname Wiedek is used at least 13 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)
Given names
Renate Wiedek (1) Hermine Wiedek (1) Ulrike Wiedek (1) Werner Wiedek (1) Judith Wiedek (1) Gabriele Wiedek (1) Franz Wiedek (1) Karl Wiedek (1) Hertha Wiedek (1) Maria Wiedek (1) Elisabeth Wiedek (1) Erich Wiedek (1) Anita Wiedek (1) |
Wiedek reversed is Kedeiw
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Iwdeke Kideew Ewiedk Dkewei Iewekd
Misspells: Wyedek Vviedek Wjedek Weedek Wiedeka Weidek Wiedke Wieedk
Rhymes: Melchizedek comedic orthopedic orthopaedic encyclopedic encyclopaedic
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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