Statistics and meaning of name Wilhjelm

We have no records about Wilhjelm being used as firstname.
Surname Wilhjelm is used at least 65 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Wilhjelm
Given names
Sussie Wilhjelm (2)
Margit Wilhjelm (2)
Johannes Wilhjelm (2)
Malene Wilhjelm (1)
Majken Wilhjelm (1)
Mads Wilhjelm (1)
Christopher Wilhjelm (1)
Bettina Wilhjelm (1)
Viktor Wilhjelm (1)
Victor Wilhjelm (1)
Kristina Wilhjelm (1)
Kirsten Wilhjelm (1)
Geert Wilhjelm (1)
Ernst Wilhjelm (1)
Gorm Wilhjelm (1)
Hanne Wilhjelm (1)
Anne Wilhjelm (1)
Jan Wilhjelm (1)
Emilie Wilhjelm (1)

Surname Wilhjelm in USA   

Wilhjelm reversed is Mlejhliw
Name contains 8 letters - 25.00% vowels and 75.00% consonants.

Misspells: Wylhjelm Vvilhjelm Wjlhjelm Wilhielm Welhjelm Wilhjelma Wlihjelm Wilhjeml Wilhjlem

Rhymes: Anselm Wilhelm elm helm overwhelm realm underwhelm whelm

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Denmark Finland Germany Europe Brazil


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