Statistics and meaning of name Wisshaupt

We have no records about Wisshaupt being used as firstname.
Surname Wisshaupt is used at least 20 times in at least 4 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 维斯豪普特 (pinyin: wéi sī háo pǔ té)

      Surname Wisshaupt
Given names
Patrick Wisshaupt (3)
Roger Wisshaupt (2)
Elodie Wisshaupt (1)
Frederic Wisshaupt (1)
Noella Wisshaupt (1)
Reto Wisshaupt (1)
Herbert Wisshaupt (1)
Gerhard Wisshaupt (1)
Lisa Wisshaupt (1)
Stephane Wisshaupt (1)
Charlelie Wisshaupt (1)
Alfred Wisshaupt (1)
Francois Wisshaupt (1)
Olivier Wisshaupt (1)
Alexandre Wisshaupt (1)
Laurent Wisshaupt (1)

Surname Wisshaupt in France   

Wisshaupt reversed is Tpuahssiw
Name contains 9 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Htisupasw Wissutpah
Misspells: Wisshoupt Wissshaupt Wysshaupt Vvisshaupt Wjsshaupt Wesshaupt Wisshaupta Wsishaupt Wisshautp Wisshaput

Rhymes: abrupt bankrupt corrupt disrupt erupt interrupt widout inout sickout besought viscount

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: France United States United Kingdom Germany

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