Statistics and meaning of name Woldegabriel

Usage: 12% firstname, 88% surname.
Woldegabriel first name was found 4 times in 3 different countries.
Surname Woldegabriel is used at least 29 times in at least 7 countries.

      Surname Woldegabriel
Given names
Berhane Woldegabriel (2)
Yorrabel Woldegabriel (1)
Eyob Woldegabriel (1)
Seble Woldegabriel (1)
Hagos Woldegabriel (1)
Endly Woldegabriel (1)
Yohannes Woldegabriel (1)
Adiam Woldegabriel (1)
Lemma Woldegabriel (1)

Given name Woldegabriel
Family names
Woldegabriel Abera (1)

Surname Woldegabriel in USA   

Woldegabriel reversed is Leirbagedlow
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Misspells: Woldegobriel Woldegabliel Woldegabrriel Woldegabryel Vvoldegabriel Woldegabrjel Woldegabreel Woldegabriela Wlodegabriel Woldegabrile Woldegabreil

Rhymes: Gabriel Umbriel Ariel Muriel Uriel neurobehavorial androstenediol norandrostenediol methylandrostenediol

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Woldegabriel Tewolde says: Woldegabriel means son (wold) of the angel Gabriel in the old Ethiopian language (Geez)- now only a church language and now extinct language.

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Writers: Giday WoldeGabriel

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