Statistics and meaning of name Wosak

Usage: 5% firstname, 95% surname.
Wosak first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Wosak is used at least 17 times in at least 4 countries.

      Surname Wosak
Given names
Agnieszka Wosak (1)
Markus Wosak (1)
Antoni Wosak (1)
Tadeusz Wosak (1)
Tomasz Wosak (1)
Martina Wosak (1)
Wanda Wosak (1)
Marie Wosak (1)
Andre Wosak (1)
Pierre Wosak (1)
Solange Wosak (1)
Stephane Wosak (1)
Danielle Wosak (1)

Surname Wosak in France   

Wosak reversed is Kasow
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Woska Aksow Kwoas Woaks Woask Kosaw Soakw Wsoka
Misspells: Wosok Wossak Vvosak Wosaka Wsoak Woska Woask

Rhymes: Wesak tussock rucksack hummock alack

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria France Poland


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