Statistics and meaning of name Wosinek

We have no records about Wosinek being used as firstname.
Surname Wosinek is used at least 26 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Wosinek
Given names
Krystyna Wosinek (3)
Tadeusz Wosinek (2)
Andrzej Wosinek (2)
Anna Wosinek (2)
Maria Wosinek (2)
Danuta Wosinek (1)
Ireneusz Wosinek (1)
Sebastian Wosinek (1)
Joanna Wosinek (1)
Marianna Wosinek (1)
Piotr Wosinek (1)
Wanda Wosinek (1)
Stanislaw Wosinek (1)
Bogumil Wosinek (1)
Ivona Wosinek (1)
Dariusz Wosinek (1)
Marian Wosinek (1)
Wladyslawa Wosinek (1)
Jozef Wosinek (1)
Jerzy Wosinek (1)

Surname Wosinek in Poland   

Wosinek reversed is Kenisow
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Wsokien Insoekw Inowkes Oskienw Kowsien Keonsiw
Misspells: Wossinek Wosynek Vvosinek Wosjnek Wosenek Wosineka Wsoinek Wosinke Wosienk

Rhymes: Olenek scenic hygienic muscarinic unhygienic leukemic

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Poland United Kingdom Belgium Spain Netherlands


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