Statistics and meaning of name Wukoschitz

We have no records about Wukoschitz being used as firstname.
Surname Wukoschitz is used at least 11 times in at least 2 countries. (France,Austria)

Given names
Liane Wukoschitz (2)
Waltraud Wukoschitz (1)
Werner Wukoschitz (1)
Michael Wukoschitz (1)
Karl Wukoschitz (1)
Heinz Wukoschitz (1)
Albert Wukoschitz (1)
Alex Wukoschitz (1)
Erhard Wukoschitz (1)
Elfriede Wukoschitz (1)

Surname Wukoschitz in Austria   

Wukoschitz reversed is Ztihcsokuw
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.

Misspells: Wukosschitz Wukoschytz Vvukoschitz Wukoschjtz Wukoschetz Wukoschitza Wkuoschitz Wukoschizt Wukoschtiz

Rhymes: Auschwitz Austerlitz Berlitz Clausewitz Fritz Horowitz Nimitz cornice forfeits plaudits liquorice quartettes

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Austria Switzerland Thailand

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