Statistics and meaning of name Xeni
Usage: 58% firstname, 42% surname.
Xeni first name was found 61 times in 12 different countries.
Surname Xeni is used at least 44 times in at least 5 countries.
Origin of this name is Greek.
Gender of firstname Xeni is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.
Given names
Simon Xeni (3) Sotiris Xeni (3) Debbie Xeni (3) Helena Xeni (3) Kathleen Xeni (2) Loucas Xeni (2) Andre Xeni (2) Karen Xeni (2) Louisa Xeni (1) Maria Xeni (1) Andrew Xeni (1) Theodora Xeni (1) Andreas Xeni (1) Nicky Xeni (1) Jenny Xeni (1) Dora Xeni (1) Antonakis Xeni (1) Eleni Xeni (1) Hara Xeni (1) Ivoulla Xeni (1) Alexandros Xeni (1) Androulla Xeni (1) |
Family names Xeni Milonas (2) Xeni Zachariadou (1) Xeni Pischitzi (1) Xeni Dimakos (1) Xeni Katsari (1) Xeni Chronopoulou (1) Xeni Papamichael (1) Xeni Ambraseys (1) Xeni Nikakis (1) Xeni Cerniks (1) Xeni Pop (1) |
Xeni reversed is Inex
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Xein Xnei Enix Ixne Xine Inex Ienx Enxi
Misspells: Xeny Xenj Xene Xenia Xnei Xein
Rhymes: Yemeni sheeny serine genie genii teeny
Meaning of name Xeni is: from the Greek word 'ksenos' = 'alien , foreing'
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Domains - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED - REGISTERED | Old Wiki Name: Xeni Language: Romanian Origin: Greek Meaning: from the Greek word ksenos = alien , foreing Comments: |
Writers: Xeni Tsagaris, Georgios A. Xenis
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