Statistics and meaning of name Xhelil

Xhelil first name was found 21 times in 7 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Xhelil.
Name written with Chinese letters: 杰利尔 (pinyin: jié lì ěr)


Given name Xhelil
Family names
Xhelil Alushi (2)
Xhelil Osmani (1)
Xhelil Gerguri (1)
Xhelil Krasniqi (1)
Xhelil Ademi (1)
Xhelil Elshani (1)
Xhelil Gashi (1)
Xhelil Demaku (1)
Xhelil Cenalia (1)
Xhelil Mici (1)
Xhelil Vladi (1)
Xhelil Adra (1)
Xhelil Rashica (1)

Xhelil reversed is Lilehx
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Xleihl Exhill Llexih Xehill Hexill
Misspells: Xhelyl Xheljl Xhelel Xhelila Xehlil Xhelli Xheill

Rhymes: riyal feeble fetal fecal siecle

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Switzerland United Kingdom Albania Canada Austria Belgium Thailand Poland Italy Sweden Argentina Serbia


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