Statistics and meaning of name Yaakoub

Usage: 42% firstname, 58% surname.
Yaakoub first name was found 28 times in 8 different countries.
Surname Yaakoub is used at least 38 times in at least 13 countries.

      Surname Yaakoub
Given names
Shaimaa Yaakoub (2)
Mohyn Yaakoub (1)
Mazin Yaakoub (1)
Benahid Yaakoub (1)
Mourad Yaakoub (1)
Amal Yaakoub (1)

Given name Yaakoub
Family names
Yaakoub Dahdal (2)
Yaakoub Houssaini (1)
Yaakoub Benabid (1)
Yaakoub Ishak (1)
Yaakoub Mouman (1)
Yaakoub Jdaia (1)
Yaakoub Arramach (1)
Yaakoub Belguiboum (1)
Yaakoub Ferchouche (1)

Surname Yaakoub in USA   

Yaakoub reversed is Buokaay
Name contains 7 letters - 71.43% vowels and 28.57% consonants.

Anagrams: Yakabou Uboykaa
Misspells: Yoakoub Iaakoub Yaakouba Yaakobu Yaakuob

Rhymes: locked rocked blocked knocked shocked

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Netherlands United Kingdom Sweden Germany Canada Thailand Spain Europe Algeria Czech Republic


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