Statistics and meaning of name Yaoi

Usage: 15% firstname, 85% surname.
Yaoi first name was found 5 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Yaoi is used at least 27 times in at least 6 countries.
Gender of firstname Yaoi is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 八追 (pinyin: bā zhuī)

      Surname Yaoi
Given names
Iris Yaoi (1)

Given name Yaoi

Surname Yaoi in USA   

Yaoi reversed is Ioay
Name contains 4 letters - 100.00% vowels and 0.00% consonants.

Misspells: Yooi Yaoy Iaoi Yaoj Yaoe Yaoia Yoai Yaio

Rhymes: cowrie frowzy towhee lousy rowdy

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Malaysia Germany United Kingdom France Austria Poland Netherlands Russian Federation Egypt Brazil Sweden Israel


Books: "Love Mode 5: Yaoi (Love Mode)" "Allure: (Yaoi)" "Bond(z)(Yaoi)" "Yaoi Hentai (Yaoi)" "Happy Yaoi Yum Yum Volume 1 (v. 1)" "Yaoi Pink Bundle" "Yaoi Hentai Volume 3 (Yaoi Hentai)" "Innocent Bird Volume 2: (Yaoi)" "Innocent Bird Volume 3: (Yaoi)" "LOVE MODE Volume 7: (Yaoi)" "The Devil's Secret (Yaoi)" "Just My Luck (Yaoi) (Just My Luck)" "Mysterious Love (Yaoi)" "Maniac Shorts Shot (Yaoi)" "Ze Volume 5 (Yaoi)"

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