Statistics and meaning of name Yuyi

Usage: 78% firstname, 22% surname.
Yuyi first name was found 93 times in 13 different countries.
Surname Yuyi is used at least 25 times in at least 8 countries.
Gender of firstname Yuyi is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.

      Surname Yuyi
Given names
Nakula Yuyi (1)
Mwambwa Yuyi (1)
Mluambwa Yuyi (1)

Given name Yuyi
Family names
Yuyi Zhou (2)
Yuyi Wang (1)
Yuyi Chen (1)
Yuyi Fang (1)

Surname Yuyi in USA   

Yuyi reversed is Iyuy
Name contains 4 letters - 100.00% vowels and 0.00% consonants.

Misspells: Yuyy Iuyi Yuyj Yuye Yuyia Yyui Yuiy

Rhymes: wryly limy limey lichee likely

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada Germany United Kingdom Taiwan Malaysia India Spain South Africa Switzerland Thailand Brunei Darussalam United Arab Emirates Indonesia Zambia Slovakia Austria Hong Kong Netherlands Singapore


Writers: Yuyi Chen, Yuyi Morales

Books: "Chen Yuyi ji jiao jian"

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