Statistics and meaning of name Zanfiroiu
We have no records about Zanfiroiu being used as firstname.
Surname Zanfiroiu is used at least 20 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,Romania)
Given names
Romica Zanfiroiu (2) Nicolae Zanfiroiu (2) Dumitru Zanfiroiu (2) Doru Zanfiroiu (2) Stelian Zanfiroiu (2) Neculai Zanfiroiu (1) Gheorghe Zanfiroiu (1) Cornelia Zanfiroiu (1) Florea Zanfiroiu (1) Aurelia Zanfiroiu (1) Gheorghita Zanfiroiu (1) |
Zanfiroiu reversed is Uiorifnaz
Name contains 9 letters - 55.56% vowels and 44.44% consonants.
Misspells: Zonfiroiu Zanfiloiu Zanfirroiu Zanfyroiu Zanfjroiu Zanferoiu Zanfiroiua Znafiroiu Zanfiroui Zanfiriou
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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