Statistics and meaning of name Zehentmayer
We have no records about Zehentmayer being used as firstname.
Surname Zehentmayer is used at least 27 times in at least 4 countries.
Given names
Josef Zehentmayer (3) Kurt Zehentmayer (2) Christian Zehentmayer (2) Renate Zehentmayer (2) Anton Zehentmayer (2) Johann Zehentmayer (1) Horst Zehentmayer (1) Judith Zehentmayer (1) Roland Zehentmayer (1) Markus Zehentmayer (1) Eduard Zehentmayer (1) Veronika Zehentmayer (1) Klaus Zehentmayer (1) Karin Zehentmayer (1) Bernhard Zehentmayer (1) Anna Zehentmayer (1) Stefan Zehentmayer (1) Harald Zehentmayer (1) |
Zehentmayer reversed is Reyamtnehez
Name contains 11 letters - 45.45% vowels and 54.55% consonants.
Misspells: Zehentmoyer Zehentmayel Zehentmayerr Zehentmaier Zehentmayera Zheentmayer Zehentmayre Zehentmaeyr
Rhymes: Bayer Mayer ballplayer betrayer bricklayer grayer layer spectator caretaker dressmaker narrator bedchamber
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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