Statistics and meaning of name Zeissl

We have no records about Zeissl being used as firstname.
Surname Zeissl is used at least 21 times in at least 1 countries. (Austria)
Name written with Chinese letters: 蔡斯尔 (pinyin: Cài sī ěr)

Given names
Leopold Zeissl (2)
Evelyn Zeissl (1)
Erika Zeissl (1)
Barbara Zeissl (1)
Gabriele Zeissl (1)
Gerrit Zeissl (1)
Wilhelm Zeissl (1)
Josef Zeissl (1)
Hildegard Zeissl (1)
Erich Zeissl (1)
Marie Zeissl (1)
Herbert Zeissl (1)
Gerhard Zeissl (1)
Bettina Zeissl (1)
Hilde Zeissl (1)
Ingrid Zeissl (1)
Babara Zeissl (1)
Maria Zeissl (1)
Johannes Zeissl (1)
Petra Zeissl (1)

Surname Zeissl in Austria   

Zeissl reversed is Lssiez
Name contains 6 letters - 33.33% vowels and 66.67% consonants.

Anagrams: Ezsils Zsisel Lessiz Slizse
Misspells: Zeisssl Zeyssl Zejssl Zeessl Zeissla Ziessl Zeisls

Rhymes: incisal arrival rival rifle stifle

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Poland Thailand Austria


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