Statistics and meaning of name Zetouni

Usage: 10% firstname, 90% surname.
Zetouni first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (France)
Surname Zetouni is used at least 18 times in at least 3 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 泽图尼 (pinyin: zé tú ní)

      Surname Zetouni
Given names
Hocine Zetouni (1)
Raymond Zetouni (1)
Marcel Zetouni (1)
Mahamoudou Zetouni (1)

Family names
Zetouni Mchinda (1)
Zetouni Athoumani (1)

Surname Zetouni in France   Surname Zetouni in USA   

Zetouni reversed is Inuotez
Name contains 7 letters - 57.14% vowels and 42.86% consonants.

Anagrams: Outeniz Zeotiun Etionuz Uitozne Ieztonu Ineutoz Niuzote Onziteu
Misspells: Zetouny Zetounj Zetoune Zetounia Zteouni Zetouin Zetonui

Rhymes: Zuni downy townie townee brownie bounty

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States

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Writers: Sigalit Zetouni

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