Statistics and meaning of name Zmejkovski
We have no records about Zmejkovski being used as firstname.
Surname Zmejkovski is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (Serbia,Russia)
Given names
Sande Zmejkovski (1) Mirko Zmejkovski (1) Tomislav Zmejkovski (1) Vojce Zmejkovski (1) Vojsle Zmejkovski (1) Mile Zmejkovski (1) Evgenije Zmejkovski (1) Bozidar Zmejkovski (1) Blazo Zmejkovski (1) Brane Zmejkovski (1) Dejan Zmejkovski (1) Dusanka Zmejkovski (1) Anica Zmejkovski (1) |
Zmejkovski reversed is Iksvokjemz
Name contains 10 letters - 30.00% vowels and 70.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Kvejzosimk
Misspells: Zmejkovsski Zmejkovsky Zmejkobski Zmejkovskj Zmeikovski Zmejkovske Zmejkovskia Zemjkovski Zmejkovsik Zmejkovksi
Rhymes: Brzezinski Korzybski Malinowski Paderewski Polanski Pulaski Sierpinski sparsely stocky virtuosi fricassee coffee
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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