Statistics and meaning of name Zoberi

We have no records about Zoberi being used as firstname.
Surname Zoberi is used at least 39 times in at least 6 countries.

      Surname Zoberi
Given names
Zaki Zoberi (3)
Asad Zoberi (3)
Nurun Zoberi (2)
Imran Zoberi (2)
Sandra Zoberi (1)
Yamina Zoberi (1)
Kamel Zoberi (1)
Rizwana Zoberi (1)
Noorun Zoberi (1)
Kashif Zoberi (1)
Ather Zoberi (1)
Naz Zoberi (1)
Mujeeb Zoberi (1)

Surname Zoberi in USA   

Zoberi reversed is Ireboz
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ozebir Obeizr Zebroi Bzorei Obzeir Zborie Reizbo
Misspells: Zobeli Zoberri Zobery Zoberj Zobere Zoberia Zboeri Zobeir Zobrei

Rhymes: beriberi Alighieri Cheri Guarnieri Jeri Keri Sheri soberly hosiery gaucherie ovary rosary

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Canada United Kingdom Thailand France Belgium Norway Bangladesh India Germany

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Writers: Zohra Zoberi, M. H. Zoberi

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