Statistics and meaning of name Zobova

Usage: 1% firstname, 99% surname.
Zobova first name was found 5 times in 1 different countries. (Russia)
Surname Zobova is used at least 248 times in at least 9 countries.

      Surname Zobova
Given names
Valentina Zobova (1)
Irina Zobova (1)
Antonina Zobova (1)
Jolanta Zobova (1)
Liudmila Zobova (1)
Marina Zobova (1)
Anastassia Zobova (1)
Svetlana Zobova (1)

Surname Zobova in USA   

Zobova reversed is Avoboz
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ozobav Oboazv Zobvoa Bzovoa Obzoav Zbovao Voazbo
Misspells: Zobovo Zoboba Zobovaa Zboova Zoboav Zobvoa

Rhymes: Akhmatova Casanova Moldova Navratilova Nova Pavlova Tereshkova nova supernova pavlova nodosa samosa

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States France Bulgaria Lithuania Japan Latvia China Croatia Canada Argentina Russian Federation

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