Statistics and meaning of name Zodwa

Zodwa first name was found 67 times in 5 different countries.
We didn't find anyone with surname Zodwa.
Gender of firstname Zodwa is 100% feminine and 0% masculine.


Given name Zodwa
Family names
Zodwa Ndaba (4)
Zodwa Ncube (3)
Zodwa Khawula (3)
Zodwa Mkhonta (2)
Zodwa Mafema (2)
Zodwa Ndlovu (2)
Zodwa Zondo (1)
Zodwa Ruwodo (1)
Zodwa Mabanga (1)
Zodwa Buthelezi (1)
Zodwa Zembe (1)
Zodwa Tuta (1)
Zodwa Zuze (1)
Zodwa Sibanda (1)
Zodwa Munthali (1)
Zodwa Furusa (1)
Zodwa Michonta (1)
Zodwa Dhliwayo (1)
Zodwa Dabengwa (1)
Zodwa Mncina (1)
Zodwa Ofori (1)
Zodwa Mandebvu (1)
Zodwa Lukhele (1)
Zodwa Dlamini (1)
Zodwa Banana (1)

Zodwa reversed is Awdoz
Name contains 5 letters - 40.00% vowels and 60.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Zodaw Owzad Wadoz Azowd Zowad Zowda Dowaz Zdoaw
Misspells: Zodwo Zodvva Zodwaa Zdowa Zodaw Zowda

Rhymes: soda sofa coda sola soma

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Phumeza says: Name Zodwa is originally South Africa ( Xhosa & Zulu) first name for females. The full name in Xhosa is Ntombizodwa which translates to "girls only"

This page has been visited from the following countries: United States South Africa Europe United Kingdom Ireland Germany Norway France Zimbabwe Luxembourg Malaysia Sweden Australia Iceland


Writers: Zodwa Motsa

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or about the origins of this name?
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