Statistics and meaning of name Zoldesi

We have no records about Zoldesi being used as firstname.
Surname Zoldesi is used at least 16 times in at least 3 countries.

      Surname Zoldesi
Given names
Suzana Zoldesi (3)
Emeric Zoldesi (2)
Jozsef Zoldesi (1)
Lajos Zoldesi (1)
Levente Zoldesi (1)
Mihaly Zoldesi (1)
Janosne Zoldesi (1)
Imrene Zoldesi (1)
Irma Zoldesi (1)
Gyula Zoldesi (1)
Imre Zoldesi (1)
Janos Zoldesi (1)

Surname Zoldesi in Hungary   

Zoldesi reversed is Isedloz
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Zloidse Delosiz Deozisl Zodlies Olidsez
Misspells: Zoldessi Zoldesy Zoldesj Zoldese Zoldesia Zlodesi Zoldeis Zoldsei

Rhymes: Parcheesi Sulawesi fleshy bevy heavy levy levee

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Nick Forrester says: Zold in Hungarian means Green. Zoldesi/Zoldessy means green(y). During pogroms against Jews in the 19th/20th centuries, in some European countries Jews were forbidden to have surnames/family names and had to change their names to common nouns like colours, metals, nature (like 'field') etc.

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