Statistics and meaning of name Zozzaro

Usage: 4% firstname, 96% surname.
Zozzaro first name was found 9 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Zozzaro is used at least 173 times in at least 5 countries.

      Surname Zozzaro
Given names
Antonio Zozzaro (6)
Giuseppe Zozzaro (4)
Michele Zozzaro (4)
Nicola Zozzaro (2)
Rocco Zozzaro (2)
Giovanni Zozzaro (2)
Rosario Zozzaro (1)
Vincenza Zozzaro (1)
Nunzia Zozzaro (1)
Paola Zozzaro (1)
Cono Zozzaro (1)
Martire Zozzaro (1)
Gerardo Zozzaro (1)
Attilio Zozzaro (1)
Irma Zozzaro (1)
Loreto Zozzaro (1)
Maria Zozzaro (1)
Paolantonio Zozzaro (1)

Surname Zozzaro in Italy   Surname Zozzaro in USA   

Zozzaro reversed is Orazzoz
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.

Anagrams: Zzoozra Zazoroz Zaozorz Zozzoar Ozozraz
Misspells: Zozzoro Zozzalo Zozzarro Zozzaroa Zzozaro Zozzaor Zozzrao

Rhymes: Lazaro Alvaro Amparo Ferraro Figaro Genaro Jivaro sorrow tomorrow borrow morrow follow

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Germany Venezuela Italy Taiwan Switzerland


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