Statistics and meaning of name Lukomiak
We have no records about Lukomiak being used as firstname.
Surname Lukomiak is used at least 14 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Poland)
Given names
Gayle Lukomiak (2) Jeffrey Lukomiak (2) Andrzej Lukomiak (2) Sylwester Lukomiak (1) Stefania Lukomiak (1) Marek Lukomiak (1) Stanislawa Lukomiak (1) Grazyna Lukomiak (1) Jolanta Lukomiak (1) Susan Lukomiak (1) Jaroslaw Lukomiak (1) |
![Surname lukomiak in Poland Surname lukomiak in Poland](/img/Poland/lukomiak.jpg)
Lukomiak reversed is Kaimokul
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.
Anagrams: Olkukmai Akoimukl Aukkiolm Mukaloki Aulkoikm Kmukalio Kiumalko Imlokauk
Misspells: Lukomiok Lukomyak Lukomjak Lukomeak Lukomiaka Lkuomiak Lukomika Lukomaik
Rhymes: umiak Kodiak Wozniak celeriac greenback zwieback tieback feedback
Meaning of this name is unknown.
Lukom says: Lukom is the name of a small village in Poland and when the suffix "iak" is added it means the son of someone born in Lukom, hence Lukomiak name is born.
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