Statistics and meaning of name Cucu

Usage: 3% firstname, 97% surname.
Cucu first name was found 133 times in 19 different countries.
Surname Cucu is used at least 3905 times in at least 32 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 库库 (pinyin: kù kù)

      Surname Cucu
Given names
Constantin Cucu (184)
Elena Cucu (142)
Gheorghe Cucu (137)
Dumitru Cucu (125)
Vasile Cucu (118)
Ion Cucu (107)
Maria Cucu (96)
Alexandru Cucu (64)
Nicolae Cucu (64)
Ioan Cucu (60)
Ana Cucu (48)
Mihai Cucu (42)
Mariana Cucu (30)
Victor Cucu (30)
Marin Cucu (25)
Stefan Cucu (23)
Adrian Cucu (23)
Cristian Cucu (22)
Ioana Cucu (22)
Ionel Cucu (21)
Marian Cucu (20)
Ecaterina Cucu (20)
Viorel Cucu (20)
Petru Cucu (20)
Mircea Cucu (20)
Angela Cucu (20)
Aurel Cucu (20)
Mihail Cucu (19)
Eugen Cucu (19)
Viorica Cucu (19)
Costica Cucu (18)
Anatolie Cucu (17)
Tatiana Cucu (17)
Dan Cucu (17)
Valeriu Cucu (16)
Daniel Cucu (16)
Vera Cucu (16)
Petre Cucu (15)
Vladimir Cucu (15)
Pavel Cucu (14)
Eugenia Cucu (14)
Rodica Cucu (14)
Emilia Cucu (13)
Neculai Cucu (13)
Adriana Cucu (13)
Valentin Cucu (12)
Costel Cucu (12)
Nina Cucu (11)
Doina Cucu (11)
Ilie Cucu (11)
Daniela Cucu (11)
Georgeta Cucu (11)
Andrei Cucu (11)
Iulian Cucu (11)
Anica Cucu (11)
Vasilica Cucu (10)
Tudor Cucu (10)
Valentina Cucu (10)
Dorina Cucu (9)
Ivan Cucu (9)
Ileana Cucu (9)
Liliana Cucu (9)
Nicoleta Cucu (9)
Alexandrina Cucu (9)
Nicolai Cucu (9)
Gabriela Cucu (9)
Elisabeta Cucu (9)
Sorin Cucu (9)
Elvira Cucu (9)
Grigore Cucu (9)
Carmen Cucu (8)
Aurelia Cucu (8)
Ludmila Cucu (8)
Gabriel Cucu (8)
Cristina Cucu (8)
Florin Cucu (8)
Anastasia Cucu (8)
Traian Cucu (8)
Stelian Cucu (8)
Aurica Cucu (8)
Fiodor Cucu (8)
Cornel Cucu (8)
Veronica Cucu (8)
Silvia Cucu (8)
Floarea Cucu (8)
Liuba Cucu (8)
Toader Cucu (7)
Sergiu Cucu (7)
Dumitra Cucu (7)
Niculae Cucu (7)
Florentina Cucu (7)
Mihaela Cucu (7)
Teodor Cucu (7)
Valeria Cucu (7)
Marioara Cucu (7)
Florea Cucu (7)
Octavian Cucu (6)
Svetlana Cucu (6)
Radu Cucu (6)
Ovidiu Cucu (6)
Marina Cucu (6)
Niculina Cucu (6)
Lenuta Cucu (6)
Dorel Cucu (6)
Cornelia Cucu (6)
Anton Cucu (6)
Andreea Cucu (6)
Doru Cucu (6)
Emil Cucu (6)
Marius Cucu (6)
George Cucu (6)
Victoria Cucu (6)
Lucica Cucu (6)
Geta Cucu (6)
Lidia Cucu (6)
Ruslan Cucu (6)
Corina Cucu (6)
Natalia Cucu (6)
Serghei Cucu (6)
Emilian Cucu (6)
Claudiu Cucu (5)
Vitalie Cucu (5)
Adela Cucu (5)
Nadejda Cucu (5)
Aneta Cucu (5)
Eleonora Cucu (5)
Constanta Cucu (5)
Margareta Cucu (5)
Florica Cucu (5)
Evghenia Cucu (5)
Lucia Cucu (5)
Simion Cucu (5)
Catalin Cucu (5)
Dragomir Cucu (5)
Galina Cucu (5)
Anghel Cucu (5)
Nicolaie Cucu (5)
Corneliu Cucu (5)
Tamara Cucu (5)
Iurie Cucu (5)
Didina Cucu (4)
Florian Cucu (4)
Luminita Cucu (4)
Anisoara Cucu (4)
Matei Cucu (4)
Lilian Cucu (4)
Leonid Cucu (4)
Maricel Cucu (4)
Ala Cucu (4)
Lucretia Cucu (4)
Liviu Cucu (4)
Iordache Cucu (4)
Bogdan Cucu (4)
Larisa Cucu (4)
Vlad Cucu (4)
Laurentiu Cucu (4)
Danut Cucu (4)
Leonte Cucu (4)
Virginia Cucu (4)
Olga Cucu (4)
Stoica Cucu (4)
Iacob Cucu (4)
Petrea Cucu (4)
Filofteia Cucu (4)
Parascovia Cucu (4)
Paraschiv Cucu (4)
Paraschiva Cucu (4)
Minodora Cucu (4)
Iulia Cucu (4)
Profira Cucu (4)
Pompiliu Cucu (4)
Petrica Cucu (4)
Mihalache Cucu (4)
Ciprian Cucu (4)
Mioara Cucu (4)
Veaceslav Cucu (4)
Delia Cucu (3)
Ghenadie Cucu (3)
Gheorghii Cucu (3)
Eustatiu Cucu (3)
Eufrosina Cucu (3)
Emanoil Cucu (3)
Irina Cucu (3)
Dorin Cucu (3)
Igor Cucu (3)
Mariea Cucu (3)
Alexandra Cucu (3)
Stefana Cucu (3)
Severian Cucu (3)
Petrisor Cucu (3)
Otilia Cucu (3)
Paul Cucu (3)
Steliana Cucu (3)
Sultana Cucu (3)
Virgiliu Cucu (3)
Roger Cucu (3)
Verginia Cucu (3)
Agafia Cucu (3)
Teodora Cucu (3)
Tinca Cucu (3)

Given name Cucu
Family names
Cucu Vlaicu (2)
Cucu Ruslan (1)
Cucu Bau (1)
Cucu Carmen (1)
Cucu Dan (1)
Cucu Ion (1)
Cucu Iuliana (1)
Cucu Stanescu (1)
Cucu Gutu (1)
Cucu Nevolnicu (1)
Cucu Nicoleta (1)

Surname Cucu in France   Surname Cucu in Germany   Surname Cucu in Italy   Surname Cucu in Moldova   Surname Cucu in Norway   
Surname Cucu in USA   

Cucu reversed is Ucuc
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Cuuc Ccuu Ucuc Uccu Uucc
Misspells: Cucua Ccuu Cuuc

Rhymes: hukou guru lulu ulu voodoo

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany United Kingdom Moldova France Malaysia Italy Austria Thailand Sweden Norway Canada Netherlands Ireland Switzerland Russian Federation Japan Poland Portugal Saudi Arabia India Australia Israel United Arab Emirates Lithuania Serbia Belgium


Old Wiki
Name: Cucu
Gender: Masculine
Location: Africa
Language: Other
Thematic: Mythology
Meaning: The Name Cucu is used in Easern Liberia and means "DEVIL" in a Mystical sense.
Comments: The MYSTERY of this name stems from an associative connotation and cognitive understanding of the "Palippo People" of Liberia in a Myth held by members of the Grebo ethnic tribe.

Writers: Dan Cucu, Sorin Cucu, Laura Monica Cucu

Books: "Cucu te veo" "La Venganza De Los Ninos-cucu" "El Reloj Cucu" "Cucu te veo en la selva" "Cucu la praline est en pleine forme"

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