Statistics and meaning of name Alexandrescu

Usage: 0% firstname, 100% surname.
Alexandrescu first name was found 22 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Alexandrescu is used at least 3475 times in at least 19 countries.
Gender of firstname Alexandrescu is 0% feminine and 100% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 亚历山德雷斯库 (pinyin: yà lì shān dé léi sī kù)

      Surname Alexandrescu
Given names
Elena Alexandrescu (120)
Constantin Alexandrescu (113)
Maria Alexandrescu (93)
Gheorghe Alexandrescu (86)
Ion Alexandrescu (62)
Dumitru Alexandrescu (52)
Vasile Alexandrescu (47)
Mircea Alexandrescu (44)
Stefan Alexandrescu (42)
Ioan Alexandrescu (39)
Nicolae Alexandrescu (37)
Alexandru Alexandrescu (33)
Adrian Alexandrescu (29)
Ioana Alexandrescu (28)
Mihai Alexandrescu (27)
Victor Alexandrescu (27)
Georgeta Alexandrescu (26)
Marian Alexandrescu (26)
Ana Alexandrescu (25)
Petre Alexandrescu (25)
Eugenia Alexandrescu (24)
Ecaterina Alexandrescu (24)
Rodica Alexandrescu (24)
Viorica Alexandrescu (22)
Mihail Alexandrescu (20)
Daniela Alexandrescu (20)
Cristian Alexandrescu (20)
George Alexandrescu (19)
Cristina Alexandrescu (19)
Dan Alexandrescu (19)
Ionel Alexandrescu (18)
Grigore Alexandrescu (18)
Neculai Alexandrescu (18)
Sorin Alexandrescu (18)
Emilia Alexandrescu (17)
Elisabeta Alexandrescu (17)
Valentin Alexandrescu (17)
Corneliu Alexandrescu (17)
Aurel Alexandrescu (17)
Alexandrina Alexandrescu (17)
Radu Alexandrescu (17)
Doina Alexandrescu (17)
Lucia Alexandrescu (16)
Emil Alexandrescu (16)
Cornelia Alexandrescu (16)
Florica Alexandrescu (15)
Constanta Alexandrescu (15)
Aurelia Alexandrescu (15)
Victoria Alexandrescu (15)
Virgil Alexandrescu (15)
Eugen Alexandrescu (15)
Viorel Alexandrescu (14)
Vasilica Alexandrescu (13)
Marin Alexandrescu (13)
Mariana Alexandrescu (13)
Aneta Alexandrescu (12)
Paul Alexandrescu (12)
Adriana Alexandrescu (11)
Valeria Alexandrescu (11)
Florian Alexandrescu (11)
Traian Alexandrescu (11)
Costica Alexandrescu (11)
Carmen Alexandrescu (10)
Bogdan Alexandrescu (10)
Irina Alexandrescu (10)
Niculae Alexandrescu (10)
Anca Alexandrescu (10)
Marius Alexandrescu (10)
Ilie Alexandrescu (10)
Ileana Alexandrescu (10)
Ruxandra Alexandrescu (10)
Constantina Alexandrescu (9)
Gabriela Alexandrescu (9)
Daniel Alexandrescu (9)
Iuliana Alexandrescu (9)
Lucian Alexandrescu (9)
Iulia Alexandrescu (9)
Silvia Alexandrescu (8)
Teodor Alexandrescu (8)
Angela Alexandrescu (8)
Ligia Alexandrescu (8)
Steluta Alexandrescu (8)
Mihaela Alexandrescu (8)
Marioara Alexandrescu (8)
Olga Alexandrescu (8)
Florin Alexandrescu (8)
Liliana Alexandrescu (8)
Floarea Alexandrescu (7)
Romeo Alexandrescu (7)
Margareta Alexandrescu (7)
Marcel Alexandrescu (7)
Toader Alexandrescu (7)
Florea Alexandrescu (7)
Gabriel Alexandrescu (7)
Ciprian Alexandrescu (7)
Ovidiu Alexandrescu (7)
Alexandra Alexandrescu (7)
Niculina Alexandrescu (7)
Petru Alexandrescu (7)
Anisoara Alexandrescu (7)
Anica Alexandrescu (7)
Dorina Alexandrescu (7)
Dragos Alexandrescu (7)
Costel Alexandrescu (7)
Domnica Alexandrescu (7)
Lucretia Alexandrescu (6)
Dumitra Alexandrescu (6)
Laurentiu Alexandrescu (6)
Corina Alexandrescu (6)
Octavian Alexandrescu (6)
Silviu Alexandrescu (6)
Zoia Alexandrescu (6)
Florina Alexandrescu (6)
Valerian Alexandrescu (6)
Paraschiva Alexandrescu (6)
Stela Alexandrescu (6)
Liviu Alexandrescu (5)
Alina Alexandrescu (5)
Aurelian Alexandrescu (5)
Amalia Alexandrescu (5)
Monica Alexandrescu (5)
Andrei Alexandrescu (5)
Stefania Alexandrescu (5)
Stelian Alexandrescu (5)
Valentina Alexandrescu (5)
Aurora Alexandrescu (5)
Nicoleta Alexandrescu (5)
Fanica Alexandrescu (5)
Teodora Alexandrescu (5)
Tudor Alexandrescu (5)
Paula Alexandrescu (5)
Horatiu Alexandrescu (5)
Gelu Alexandrescu (4)
Atanasie Alexandrescu (4)
Delia Alexandrescu (4)
Adina Alexandrescu (4)
Sterie Alexandrescu (4)
Gabi Alexandrescu (4)
Virginia Alexandrescu (4)
Angelica Alexandrescu (4)
Eufrosina Alexandrescu (4)
Eleonora Alexandrescu (4)
Petrica Alexandrescu (4)
Nicu Alexandrescu (4)
Camelia Alexandrescu (4)
Catinca Alexandrescu (4)
Petruta Alexandrescu (4)
Veronica Alexandrescu (4)
Anastasia Alexandrescu (4)
Emanuel Alexandrescu (4)
Nicolai Alexandrescu (4)
Georgica Alexandrescu (4)
Raul Alexandrescu (4)
Damian Alexandrescu (4)
Horia Alexandrescu (4)
Petra Alexandrescu (4)
Claudiu Alexandrescu (3)
Tudorita Alexandrescu (3)
Giani Alexandrescu (3)
Razvan Alexandrescu (3)
Ionela Alexandrescu (3)
Remus Alexandrescu (3)
Stana Alexandrescu (3)
Paulina Alexandrescu (3)
Steliana Alexandrescu (3)
Aglaia Alexandrescu (3)
Zenovia Alexandrescu (3)
Natalia Alexandrescu (3)
Haralambie Alexandrescu (3)
Aurica Alexandrescu (3)
Cosmin Alexandrescu (3)
Nina Alexandrescu (3)
Cornel Alexandrescu (3)
Virgiliu Alexandrescu (3)
Vicentiu Alexandrescu (3)
Adela Alexandrescu (3)
Tinca Alexandrescu (3)
Romulus Alexandrescu (3)
Antoniu Alexandrescu (3)
Gherghina Alexandrescu (3)
Narcisa Alexandrescu (3)
Sile Alexandrescu (3)
Roxana Alexandrescu (3)
Petrus Alexandrescu (3)
Marcela Alexandrescu (3)
Doru Alexandrescu (3)
Mihnea Alexandrescu (3)
Iulian Alexandrescu (3)
Sultana Alexandrescu (3)
Valeriu Alexandrescu (3)
Dinu Alexandrescu (2)
Panait Alexandrescu (2)
Nelu Alexandrescu (2)
Mihaita Alexandrescu (2)
Crinu Alexandrescu (2)
Sofia Alexandrescu (2)
Nicula Alexandrescu (2)
Cristea Alexandrescu (2)
Toma Alexandrescu (2)
Augustin Alexandrescu (2)

Given name Alexandrescu
Family names
Alexandrescu Vlad (1)
Alexandrescu Gabriel (1)
Alexandrescu Sorin (1)
Alexandrescu Viorel (1)
Alexandrescu Vicol (1)
Alexandrescu Paun (1)
Alexandrescu Cristina (1)
Alexandrescu Manescu (1)
Alexandrescu Teodorescu (1)
Alexandrescu Den (1)

Surname Alexandrescu in France   Surname Alexandrescu in Germany   Surname Alexandrescu in Italy   Surname Alexandrescu in USA   

Alexandrescu reversed is Ucserdnaxela
Name contains 12 letters - 41.67% vowels and 58.33% consonants.

Misspells: Olexandrescu Alexandlescu Alexandrrescu Alexandresscu Alexandrescua Aelxandrescu Alexandresuc Alexandrecsu

Rhymes: Ceausescu rescue grandnephew ingenue menu nephew

Meaning of name Alexandrescu is: same as Alexandru + termination -escu
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Romania Germany Italy Canada France United Kingdom Thailand Hungary Moldova Philippines Austria Netherlands


Old Wiki
Name: Alexandrescu
Language: Romanian
Origin: Greek
Meaning: same as Alexandru + termination -escu

Famous people: Grigore Alexandrescu in Bucharest, Gheorghe Alexandrescu

Writers: Ion Alexandrescu, Vlad Alexandrescu, Sorin Alexandrescu, Liliana Alexandrescu, Petre Alexandrescu, Andrei Alexandrescu, Yvonne Alexandrescu

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