Statistics and meaning of name Ghapson

Usage: 9% firstname, 91% surname.
Ghapson first name was found 1 times in 1 different countries. (USA)
Surname Ghapson is used at least 10 times in at least 2 countries. (USA,UK)

Given names
Richard Ghapson (2)
Robert Ghapson (2)
Safohene Ghapson (1)
Mary Ghapson (1)
Kwesi Ghapson (1)
Lulu Ghapson (1)
John Ghapson (1)

Ghapson reversed is Nospahg
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Anagrams: Psahong Hanposg Snapgoh Nohsapg Pognahs
Misspells: Ghopson Ghapsson Ghapsona Gahpson Ghapsno Ghaposn

Rhymes: Sampson Simpson Thompson stepson caption adaption gladsome contraption captain

Meaning of this name is unknown.

John Ghapson says: According to my father, my grandfather (the first Ghapson), died when he was relatively young; therefore, he did not get the opportunity to ask about the origin of the name. My grandfather hailed from the Nsema town of Kikam - in the western region of Ghana. My best guess is...the name may have been bestowed upon my grandfather by one among the ranks of our past British colonial masters. Names such as: Johnson, Turkson, Dickson, Yankson, Jackson, and in deed Ghapson, according to oral history, were usually derived from a shorter prefix, and 'son' added on the end - to signify that this is the son of ...For example, Turkson, would be the son of a person who was call Turk. Although, it should also be noted that, the name Turk itself, couldn't have been indigenous to Ghanaians at the time. The folks from the coastal part of Ghana who had initial contact with the white visitors, may have been persuaded to adopt such western sounding name, to alleviate the difficulty the whiteman had in pronouncing our native names. However, one cannot fail to notice the apparent and uncanny coincidence of the first three letters of our name; Gha, are the same and in identical order as that of the country...Ghana.

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