Statistics and meaning of name Kuprasz

We have no records about Kuprasz being used as firstname.
Surname Kuprasz is used at least 16 times in at least 2 countries. (Argentina,Poland)

Given names
Jadwiga Kuprasz (2)
Danuta Kuprasz (1)
Aldona Kuprasz (1)
Jan Kuprasz (1)
Elzbieta Kuprasz (1)
Janina Kuprasz (1)
Piotr Kuprasz (1)
Maria Kuprasz (1)
Marta Kuprasz (1)
Sylwiusz Kuprasz (1)
Urszula Kuprasz (1)
Waclawa Kuprasz (1)
Henryk Kuprasz (1)

Surname Kuprasz in Poland   

Kuprasz reversed is Zsarpuk
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Kuprosz Kuplasz Kuprrasz Kuprassz Kuprasza Kpurasz Kuprazs Kuprsaz

Rhymes: crash clash trash splash brash

Meaning of this name is unknown.

R Kuprasch says: A note for further research: In Dolnoslaskie / Lower Silesia was a copper mine, mentioned in old records since 1311. It was situated at the village Kupferberg in the Riesengebirge. The latin name was Cuprifodina in Montibus. The first owner of the mine was seemingly Albert Bavarus Baier (or Beier) and nicknamed Albert de Cuprifodina in Montibus. Polish sources quote Kuprasz as a short form for Saint Cyprian or Kiprian, but I rather see a connection to the latin word cuprum. Either Kuprasz is a shortened toponym or for a coppersmith. My father's ancestry comes from a village near Görlitz, which isn't very far away and I seem to have there south-german roots. The other hint is, that Kuprasz is mentioned on a list of the elites of Sandomierz, because in this region they were mining copper too. These regions weren't speaking lithuanian or prussian as in the north,rather they were influenced by moravian vlachs, so a latin etymological root makes more sense.
R Kuprasch says: An alternative meaning could be coppersmith / boilermaker, because the latin name for it was cuprarius / cuprifaber (1). One person living in early 20th century East-Germany had the name Kopprasch and was a boilermaker. The name for the town Kupres, former Kupris in Bosnia and Hercegovina, seems to come from Kupraš (=Kuprash) which is said to come from an illyrian / albanian word describing the landscape, namely an eclosed valley from albanian "kupë" (spelled "kup") for cup/ deep bowl and "rrash" (spelled "rash") for plain / flat field (2), which is a good description also how a coppersmith makes a boiler or bowl by flatening and spreading the material in a bowl like shape. Sources: 1) 2)
R Kuprasch says: Kuprasz appears in the Name Dictionary of Białystok in 1560 from Poland ( Most probably of Lithuanian origin, for it comes from the baltic/lithuanian word kupra, meaning hump, hunch or hill. Lithuanian names usually have the the ending -as -is. The -asz instead of -as seems to be a variation often found in Poland. German spelling would be Kuprasch.

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