Statistics and meaning of name Lippert

Usage: 2% firstname, 98% surname.
Lippert first name was found 204 times in 4 different countries.
Surname Lippert is used at least 7410 times in at least 32 countries.
Name written with Chinese letters: 利珀特 (pinyin: lì pò té)

      Surname Lippert
Given names
Peter Lippert (50)
Wolfgang Lippert (41)
Thomas Lippert (39)
Michael Lippert (37)
Gerhard Lippert (37)
Werner Lippert (36)
Josef Lippert (35)
Manfred Lippert (35)
Karl Lippert (34)
Helmut Lippert (33)
Horst Lippert (27)
Andreas Lippert (25)
Hans Lippert (24)
Herbert Lippert (24)
Frank Lippert (23)
Klaus Lippert (23)
Bernd Lippert (21)
Dieter Lippert (20)
Stefan Lippert (20)
Heinz Lippert (20)
Ursula Lippert (19)
Markus Lippert (19)
Uwe Lippert (18)
Alfred Lippert (18)
Walter Lippert (18)
Reinhard Lippert (18)
Johann Lippert (18)
Rudolf Lippert (18)
Maria Lippert (17)
Karin Lippert (16)
Monika Lippert (15)
Otto Lippert (15)
Martin Lippert (15)
Ingrid Lippert (15)
Sabine Lippert (15)
Christian Lippert (15)
Erika Lippert (15)
Rainer Lippert (14)
Richard Lippert (14)
Gerd Lippert (14)
Kurt Lippert (14)
Harald Lippert (14)
Erich Lippert (13)
Brigitte Lippert (12)
Roland Lippert (12)
Erwin Lippert (12)
Heinrich Lippert (12)
Franz Lippert (12)
Helga Lippert (12)
Friedrich Lippert (11)
Gisela Lippert (11)
Anton Lippert (11)
Marianne Lippert (11)
Siegfried Lippert (11)
Hermann Lippert (11)
Susanne Lippert (10)
Gabriele Lippert (10)
Norbert Lippert (10)
Ernst Lippert (10)
Wilfried Lippert (10)
Rolf Lippert (9)
Elisabeth Lippert (9)
Bernhard Lippert (9)
Georg Lippert (9)
Ralf Lippert (9)
Petra Lippert (8)
Christa Lippert (8)
Paul Lippert (8)
Edith Lippert (8)
Anja Lippert (8)
Johannes Lippert (8)
Anna Lippert (8)
Robert Lippert (8)
Christine Lippert (8)
Adolf Lippert (8)
Renate Lippert (8)
Christiane Lippert (8)
Birgit Lippert (7)
Ruth Lippert (7)
Silke Lippert (7)
Anita Lippert (7)
Wilhelm Lippert (7)
Fritz Lippert (7)
Irene Lippert (7)
Gertrud Lippert (7)
Harry Lippert (7)
Ilse Lippert (7)
Joachim Lippert (7)
Claudia Lippert (7)
Konstantin Lippert (7)
Ulrike Lippert (7)
Eva Lippert (7)
Manuela Lippert (7)
Martina Lippert (7)
Matthias Lippert (7)
Anni Lippert (6)
Theo Lippert (6)
Annemarie Lippert (6)
Albert Lippert (6)
Reiner Lippert (6)
Sebastian Lippert (6)
Melanie Lippert (6)
Sigrid Lippert (6)
Max Lippert (6)
Margit Lippert (6)
Eduard Lippert (6)
Doris Lippert (6)
Eberhard Lippert (6)
Inge Lippert (6)
Anneliese Lippert (6)
Lothar Lippert (6)
Jens Lippert (6)
Alexander Lippert (5)
Udo Lippert (5)
Konrad Lippert (5)
Rosa Lippert (5)
Dennis Lippert (5)
Andrea Lippert (5)
Erna Lippert (5)
Mathias Lippert (5)
Marion Lippert (5)
Kerstin Lippert (5)
Christoph Lippert (5)
John Lippert (5)
Anne Lippert (5)
Jan Lippert (5)
Gerda Lippert (5)
Bruno Lippert (5)
Olaf Lippert (5)
Ingeborg Lippert (5)
Margarete Lippert (5)
Albrecht Lippert (5)
Julia Lippert (5)
Heidi Lippert (5)
Edgar Lippert (5)
Angelika Lippert (5)
Cornelia Lippert (5)
Alois Lippert (5)
Jorgen Lippert (5)
Silvia Lippert (5)
Ute Lippert (5)
Marcus Lippert (5)
Holger Lippert (5)
Hartmut Lippert (5)
Heike Lippert (5)
Reinhold Lippert (5)
Flemming Lippert (4)
Rosemarie Lippert (4)
Ronald Lippert (4)
Johanna Lippert (4)
Randy Lippert (4)
Simon Lippert (4)
Stefanie Lippert (4)
Hilde Lippert (4)
Henry Lippert (4)
Mark Lippert (4)
Nicole Lippert (4)
Irmgard Lippert (4)
Erik Lippert (4)
Sven Lippert (4)
Sandra Lippert (4)
Jutta Lippert (4)
Ewald Lippert (4)
Sonja Lippert (4)
Jochen Lippert (4)
Kirsten Lippert (4)
Ulrich Lippert (4)
Jozsef Lippert (4)
Artur Lippert (4)
Oskar Lippert (4)
Lars Lippert (4)
Armin Lippert (4)
Barbara Lippert (4)
Rita Lippert (4)
Arthur Lippert (4)
Beate Lippert (4)
Arno Lippert (4)
Berthold Lippert (4)
Lutz Lippert (4)
Mario Lippert (4)
Winfried Lippert (4)
Detlef Lippert (4)
Viktor Lippert (4)
Carsten Lippert (4)
Dietmar Lippert (4)
Edeltraud Lippert (4)
Helene Lippert (4)
Florian Lippert (4)
Leonhard Lippert (4)
Ramona Lippert (4)
Berit Lippert (3)
Arnold Lippert (3)
Alfons Lippert (3)
Terje Lippert (3)
Marlies Lippert (3)
Hubert Lippert (3)
Axel Lippert (3)
Mathilde Lippert (3)
Margot Lippert (3)
Torsten Lippert (3)

Given name Lippert
Family names
Lippert Ralf (1)
Lippert Andreas (1)
Lippert Ines (1)

Surname Lippert in Austria   Surname Lippert in France   Surname Lippert in Germany   Surname Lippert in Hungary   Surname Lippert in Italy   
Surname Lippert in Norway   Surname Lippert in Switzerland   Surname Lippert in USA   

Lippert reversed is Treppil
Name contains 7 letters - 28.57% vowels and 71.43% consonants.

Misspells: Lippelt Lipperrt Lyppert Ljppert Leppert Lipperta Lpipert Lippetr Lippret

Rhymes: Alpert Rupert expert inexpert pert littered zippered kippered glittered frittered

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: Germany United States Denmark France Austria Canada Czech Republic Brazil Sweden Italy Taiwan United Kingdom Norway Poland Luxembourg Azerbaijan Netherlands Switzerland Bulgaria Romania Ukraine China Russian Federation Namibia Hungary India Greece Australia


Famous people: Julius Lippert, Mark William Lippert, Rudolf "Rolf" Lippert, Ann Helene Lippert, Bernhard Lippert, Albert Lippert

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