Statistics and meaning of name Neko

Usage: 49% firstname, 51% surname.
Neko first name was found 258 times in 20 different countries.
Surname Neko is used at least 259 times in at least 20 countries.
Gender of firstname Neko is 50% feminine and 50% masculine.
Name written with Chinese letters: 涅科 (pinyin: niè kē)

      Surname Neko
Given names
Sro Neko (2)
Amir Neko (1)
Azar Neko (1)
Ramat Neko (1)
Himemiya Neko (1)

Given name Neko
Family names
Neko Sarl (1)
Neko Hnepeune (1)
Neko Sawh (1)

Surname Neko in USA   

Neko reversed is Oken
Name contains 4 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Neok Nkeo Ekon Onke Noke Oken Oekn Ekno
Misspells: Nekoa Nkeo Neok

Rhymes: sicko thicko milieux minnow zero

Meaning of name Neko is: Finnish pet form of Nestor

Neko says: Je suis française, la seule de france a avoir ce prénom - féminin Signifie : Chat

This page has been visited from the following countries: Malaysia United States Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Egypt Netherlands United Arab Emirates Algeria Germany Hong Kong Poland Azerbaijan Europe Yemen Philippines Kuwait United Kingdom Colombia Morocco Tunisia Portugal South Africa Belgium Vietnam Iraq Norway Finland Sweden Spain Palestinian Territory Italy Qatar Costa Rica Denmark Jordan


Writers: Yayoi Neko, Neko Case, Mick Neko, Kristoff et Neko

Books: "Neko mazak: Atzinas" "Kiiroi neko (Japanese Edition)" "Ukiwa Neko (Japanese Edition)" "Inu ga sodateta neko" "Ano Neko" "Neko no rekishi to kiwa" "Amerika o sukutta 166-hiki no neko" "Professional haXe and Neko" "The first Peko-Neko bird" "Neko Ramen Volume 4"

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