Statistics and meaning of name Oforka

Usage: 14% firstname, 86% surname.
Oforka first name was found 2 times in 1 different countries. (Nigeria)
Surname Oforka is used at least 12 times in at least 2 countries. (UK,Nigeria)

Given names
Uzochukwu Oforka (1)
Ginika Oforka (1)
Edward Oforka (1)
Azuka Oforka (1)
Anne Oforka (1)

Oforka reversed is Akrofo
Name contains 6 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Foroak Foraok Orokfa Foorak Oofkar Fookar
Misspells: Oforko Ofolka Oforrka Oforkaa Oofrka Oforak Ofokra

Rhymes: mazourka mazurka parka circa inertia bursa purdah

Meaning of this name is unknown.

Edward Oforka says: The name is in Igbo language of Nigeria. Oforka is short for Oforkansi. Translated directly it is a sentence that says "Hope for justice is better than poisoning", which taken in context means "justice/vengeance is best left for the gods." The history is that pre-christianity, everybody is believed to have an 'ofor' (a personal charm) that protects one from enemies and denotes truth and justice from the gods. So if one felt oppressed or cheated, it was believed that raising ones "ofor" (usually above the head) implied asking the gods to let the truth prevail and grant one justice. However, some people will prefer to seek revenge or eliminate the enemy by giving them “nsi” (poison) as a way of ending the dispute. So the name is a simple advice that the former (leaving vengeance/justice to the gods) is a better way than the later (poisoning your enemy) in settling a dispute.

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