Statistics and meaning of name Cotfasa
We have no records about Cotfasa being used as firstname.
Surname Cotfasa is used at least 37 times in at least 2 countries. (Romania,Italy)
Name written with Chinese letters: 科特法萨 (pinyin: kē té fǎ Sà)
Given names
Constantin Cotfasa (6) Ioan Cotfasa (5) Mihai Cotfasa (2) Titi Cotfasa (2) Vasile Cotfasa (2) Liviu Cotfasa (2) Laurentiu Cotfasa (2) Elena Cotfasa (1) Viorica Cotfasa (1) Gheorghe Cotfasa (1) Neculai Cotfasa (1) Luminita Cotfasa (1) Lacramioara Cotfasa (1) |
Cotfasa reversed is Asaftoc
Name contains 7 letters - 42.86% vowels and 57.14% consonants.
Anagrams: Ctoafsa Fatosac Faocast Coftaas Otafsac
Misspells: Cotfosa Cotfassa Cotfasaa Ctofasa Cotfaas Cotfsaa
Rhymes: Kinshasa Lhasa Mombasa Nyasa kielbasa terracotta
Meaning of this name is unknown.
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