Statistics and meaning of name Positive

Usage: 33% firstname, 67% surname.
Positive first name was found 57 times in 15 different countries.
Surname Positive is used at least 115 times in at least 12 countries.

      Surname Positive
Given names
Joan Positive (2)
Antiquites Positive (1)
John Positive (1)

Given name Positive
Family names
Positive Sagomba (1)

Surname Positive in USA   

Positive reversed is Evitisop
Name contains 8 letters - 50.00% vowels and 50.00% consonants.

Anagrams: Ipsoetvi Vsiitoep Itpisvoe
Misspells: Possitive Posytive Positibe Posjtive Posetive Positivea Psoitive Positiev Positvie

Rhymes: acquisitive additive appositive cognitive competitive definitive fugitive causative evocative prerogative provocative

Meaning of this name is unknown.
This page has been visited from the following countries: United States Malaysia India Iraq Philippines Germany Thailand Switzerland Austria


Writers: Positive economics, In Proof Positive-Farrowlyne, Positive Parenting Inc, Positive Input Corp

Books: "Future positive" "Be positive" "Proof positive" "Positive Approach" "Positively happy" "Living Positively" "Positive forces" "Positive discipline"

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